Resources for Professionals
As someone who has worked therapeutically with vulnerable children for over twenty years, I strongly believe that all our interactions can be healing, and that we can use everyday stories and events as teachable moments.
Please feel free to download my FREE lesson plan for primary school teachers.
Here are some conversation starters for your work with children:
Ellie’s neighbours tried some different ways to help her. What do you think you would have done if you were living next door to the big house?
The RSPCA and the kind lady at the pound helped Ellie to be safe and well. What other people can you think of who do this?
When Ellie was at the pound she felt sad and lonely and lost. Who can help you if you ever feel this way?
Ellie lived in two different families. What does family mean to you?
Can you draw a picture about a time when you were brave and strong and true?